Friday, May 25, 2012

Favorite and least favorite things

Just a few of my favorite things in no particular order.

1. Weekly Lord's Day Wosrship (Ok, this is at the top!)
2. Seeing my kids mature
3. Lancer's Slices (look it up!)
4. Anything Sam Adams!
5. Southern Rock (see my red neck?!)
6. eBay (philosophy = BLASH) Check my store when you get a min
7. Studying God's work in history
8. God's Word
9. Alabama Wine
10. Extended Family
11. Auburn Football
12. All things Samford University
13. English Luxury (again, look it up puff puff)
14. If the Crimson Tide Loses (been frustrated lately!)
15. Writings of Peter Leithart and Jim Jordan
16. Austrian Economics
17. Ron and Rand Paul
18. Studying and comparing causes of American Revolutionary War and War For Southern Independence

Least Favorite things in no particular order
1. Effects of the outcome of the War for Southern Independence!
2. Barak Obama
3. Mitt Romney
4. John McCain
5. John Kerry
6. Al Gore
7. George W. Bush (seeing any trends here?)
8. UAT (my daughter goes there - fine, but I still hate it!)
9. Borkim Riff Whiskey (look it up!~)
10. CNN
12. Fox News when they smear Ron Paul
13. Bill Clinton (what is the meaning of 'is'?)
14. Hilary Clinton
15. Abortion
16. The gay agenda

I could go on, but I'll stop here!